Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mario vs. DK (GBA) and Donkey Kong (Game Boy)

Mario has been around for a long time and most people expect the same thing: run to the right and jump. Mario vs. DK seems like it would be more of the same but it is really a lot better than that. It is a puzzle-platformer that is so well crafted that some levels will leave you completely stumped. Your objective in every level is to reach a key and then carry it to the exit. Sometimes the key is easy to reach but there seems to be no way to get it to the door.

All of the mechanics are introduced in a fair way and every set of levels has some new mechanic to figure out. Not only that, but just moving Mario around is a lot more fun than usual because he has great moves like a handstand which protects you from things falling from above. This is one of the best Mario games ever made (and is probably better than your favorite game in the series) and when you beat it, what do you unlock? A whole new set of levels!!! how many levels? As many as you already played to beat the full-length game! Sound amazing? That's why you should play the game.

There is actually another reason this game is great though, and as was briefly mentioned in many reviews, that reason is that it was based on an even better game for Game Boy: Donkey Kong. This is the true Neglected Gem. Maybe a lot of people thought it was a port of the NES port of the arcade game (which featured 4 levels that looped...boring unless you're into high scores) but this game had 97 more levels... From 101. That's progress. Not only that but only Tetris can touch this game when it comes to gameplay on the gameboy. If you enjoy platformers or puzzle games, get these games-and tell others about them too.

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