Sunday, March 8, 2009

Los Cronocrímenes (Time Crimes)

Like a lot of movies I see, I went to see Time Crimes with no expectations at all. I barely remembered the preview and didn't know what to expect. I think this is the best attitude to have because it prevents boxing a movie into a genre mentally. I suppose you can call it a thriller but above everything else this is THE movie about time travel. How does it accomplish this on a small budget? It uses the secret weapon that makes Hollywood shake in terror: an amazing plot.

This movie doesn't rely on the "wow, it's a dinosaur!" as much as it really deals with the mind-bending complexity of time travel. What may seem like plot holes while watching the movie slowly reveal themselves to be limitations on your abstract thinking skills upon further reflection. The true genius of this movie won't hit you until after you're done watching it. If like me you enjoy thinking, this movie should be #1 on your list of movies to see. (I also recommend seeing the movie before researching it further because it is truly misrepresented in its marketing and some reviews)

1 comment:

  1. sounds really interesting.. i really like movies from the nineties and before... since they rely so much more on plot cause the special effects weren't that good yet.. will check out the movie and tell ya what i think when i'm done :D
